• Be protected against scams, viruses, and phishing web pages
• Full protection from new phishing links in emails, social media, and text messages
• Worldwide protection against newly detected malicious websites
• Full protection for your customers from phishing web pages impersonating their brands
• Reduced phishing detection and protection times from hours or days down to seconds
What sets SafeToOpen apart from other cybersecurity tools like web proxies, anti-viruses, and secure email gateways is its ability to detect new or zero-day phishing web pages in real-time.
SafeToOpen products defend organizations and government agencies, securing their brands, data, employees, and customers from phishing web pages that impersonate their brands.
SafeToOpen significantly shortens the time it takes to detect phishing web pages, reducing it from hours or days to just seconds. Additionally, it cuts down the protection time from days to less than an hour.
• SafeToOpen Online Security provides protection against scams, viruses, and phishing web pages as well as HTML attachment files. Read more...
• SafeToOpen Email Verification checks reported suspicious emails reported by employees and alerts them if the links and attachments in the email are safe to open. Read more...
• SafeToOpen Brand & Customer Protection detects previously unseen phishing web pages that impersonate an organization's brand. Read more...
• SafeToOpen Customer Email Verification checks reported suspicious emails from external customers and informs them if the links and attachments in the reported emails are associated with the organization. Read more...
• SafeToOpen API allows organizations to integrate the ability to detect zero-day phishing threats into their existing cybersecurity tools. Read more...