Phishing attacks can occur on any organization, regardless of their size. Cybercriminals operate to steal intellectual properties, customer’s sensitive information, sensitive data and to damage their reputation. No matter what sized organization you have, or even if you’re a government agency, you’ll need different products to beat the never-ending phishing battles.
Size of the Organization /
SafeToOpen Products
Small (Read more)
Medium (Read more)
Large or government agencies (Read more)
Online Security
Highly Recommended
Highly Recommended
Highly Recommended
Email Verification
Highly Recommended
Highly Recommended
Brand & Customer Protection
Not Recommended
Highly Recommended (if your brand has been the target of phishing attack)
Customer Email Verification
Not Recommended
Highly Recommended
API Integration
Not Recommended
Recommended (if not using SafeToOpen Online Security)
Recommended (if not using SafeToOpen Online Security)
Protect my Brand (service)
Not Recommended
Recommended - (Locally if your brand has been the target of phishing attack)
Highly Recommended (Globally if the business provided global services, otherwise locally)
If you’re a small organization, cybercriminals regularly send phishing emails with links to:
• Large IT service providers such as Microsoft Office365, Amazon AWS, Azure, and Google G-Suit
• Local service providers such as telco, tax department, airlines, courier companies
• Entertainment and social media providers such as Netflix, LinkedIn, and Facebook
• Online banking and online shopping such as eBay and Amazon
If you’re a small organization wanting to be protected from malicious links in social media, emails (corporate and personal) and even text messages, then we recommend the SafeToOpen Online Security browser extension.
If the volume of receiving suspicious emails is high or staff members do not know how to identify legitimate emails from malicious ones, we recommend using the SafeToOpen Email Verification.
If your organization falls into the medium-sized category, then your brand could also be targeted with phishing attacks and its types. Just like small sized companies, your staff members will always be the center of phishing attacks linked to other corporations (such as Microsoft Office365).
To keep staff members safe from malicious and phishing web pages in real time, we strongly recommend SafeToOpen Online Security. As more resources, time, and capacity are needed to protect medium sized organizations from cyber criminals, it takes a bigger security team to verify suspicious emails reported. At SafeToOpen, we reduce the workload from your security services with our email verification; it does the job faster with less human error.
If you’ve found your brand or login page has been impersonated in a phishing activity, we recommend using Brand & Customer Protection and Customer Email Verification.
Although the SafeToOpen API Integration should not be considered as an alternative to the SafeToOpen Online Security, with some delays, it still can let your security team identify potential compromised accounts in your organization.
• Staff members are constantly the target of large IT service providers phishing attacks, such as Amazon, Microsoft, and G-Suit
• Your brands and reputations are also the target of phishing attacks. Cybercriminals impersonate login web pages to steal customer's sensitive information
• IT infrastructures are often too complex, and it's hard to find the weakest link in security controls
• Several security tools may make security teams too busy to prioritize and deal with security incidents
• Almost all security tools rely on threat intelligence feeds and the reputation of unsafe links to protect your organization. None of these tools can protect you against never-before-seen or zero-day phishing web pages
• Dealing with phishing is often a reactive approach, and the security team can only identify the phishing web pages hours or days after the compromise
SafeToOpen Online Security is the best tool to keep your staff members safe from malicious and phishing web pages. This tool informs your security team once staff members have visited malicious or phishing web pages or if they have entered their credentials to the unsafe web pages. It also prevents them from entering their sensitive information on unsafe pages by redirecting them to a safe web page.
We don't recommend replacing the SafeToOpen Online Security with the SafeToOpen API Integration in large-sized organizations because of the inevitable delay in the API calls.
SafeToOpen Email Verification saves your security team a lot of time of verifying all the suspicious reported emails. Most organizations use the 'Report' button in Outlook to report they're suspicious emails, and they rarely get any response back. However, SafeToOpen Email Verification replies to the staff members with a short summary and a detailed report of every link and attachment in the reported suspicious email in about 2 minutes. If you wish to save your security team, we strongly recommend SafeToOpen Email Verification. It reduces the human errors of verifying a pile of reported suspicious emails.
If you have login pages where customers can log in and interact with your online services, they are suspected to be the target of phishing attacks. Cybercriminals send phishing emails targeting your customers (rather than staff members), as explained here. Because of this, it's much harder for your security team to detect and take down phishing web pages in a timely manner.
Cybersecurity-aware customers may forward suspicious emails impersonating your organization to an email address published on their website (E.g., [email protected]).
With the SafeToOpen Customer Email Verification service, you can empower your customers to verify their suspicious emails with an email address such as [email protected] and receive a response in real time, whether the reported emails were sent from your organization or not.
To quickly find the phishing web pages targeting your brand, we highly recommend SafeToOpen Brand & Customer Protection tool. This tool analyzes the referrer URLs from your web servers to detect phishing links and notifies the security team immediately.
All of the tools mentioned above can be used in a single SafeToOpen Portal instance. The required resources for the SafeToOpen VM depend on the following criteria:
• Number of staff members
• The industry of your business (financial sectors are always the number one target of phishing attacks)
• The SafeToOpen products to be used in your organization